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Marston Green Junior School

Learning for the future

Affiliation to Church of England Diocese

In June 2018, the Governing Body and Leadership Team of Marston Green Junior School were delighted to be able to formalise our existing, strong link with St. Leonard’s Church and the Church of England Diocese.

Marston Green Junior School has always enjoyed a close and highly positive relationship with St. Leonard’s Church. This has developed and strengthened over a significant number of years through: end of term services (Christmas, Easter and Leavers), year group visits and a range of learning activities linked with our RE curriculum.

Historically, the constitution of the school’s Governing Body has always included the Reverend of St Leonards Church; currently, Revd. Penny Harrison is a valuable member of our Governing Body. Marston Green has a strong community ethos and St. Leonard’s Church is a central part of our local area.


Having formalised our link with St. Leonard’s Church, Marston Green Junior School has now become an ‘affiliated school’ with the Church of England. The affiliation creates a partnership between our school and the local church for the next four years. This process will not affect admission procedures or policies within Marston Green Junior School but rather, it will offer greater opportunities for our school to work in collaboration with both the church and other church schools. In addition, it will enable Marston Green Junior School to develop further opportunities for spirituality and worship (in all faiths) within our RE curriculum

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