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Marston Green Junior School

Learning for the future

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator :
Mrs A Chapman contact details 0121 779 2227


Click the link below that will take you to our policies page. There you will find our SEND policy and the admissions policy that outlines the school's arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities. The Equality Duty Objectives and Equality and Accessibility policies can also be found on this page. 


SEND Information Report Sept 2023

SEND Information Report September 2023 for pupils- 'At a glance'. A child friendly, easy to read, overview of SEND provision at MGJS


Click the Solihull link to view the council's SEND offer




Additional Support for parents of pupils with SEND.


Online Understanding Your Child's Behaviour Course access code APPLEJACKS

Information for parents of children and young people with SEND or additional needs- From Solihull Local Authority

Online Courses for Parents and Parents-to-be and Solihull Parenting Offer for Autumn Term 2024

Should I ask for an ASD assessment- Please see Information Bulletin attached to support you in your decision making.

Solihull Parenting Team Offer

School Nursing Team- Information regarding the service

Feedback from our pupils- what do our pupils think of our SEMH provision?

Solihull Parent Carer Voice-Coffee and Chat dates

North Solihull Additional Needs Support Group Information



For more information regarding access to the curriculum or physical access to the school, please read the 'Accessibility' section within the Equality and Accessibility Policy. It can be found by following the link below to the Policies section.

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