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Marston Green Junior School

Learning for the future



Outdoor Activities

We promote and encourage outdoor play at every opportunity in a safe and secure environment.  Our staff feel it is important for children to have access to a wide range of outdoor play, this includes the Willows woodland area, large field and the new activity centre.


Indoor Activities

Every day there are structured art and craft activities, this includes special craft themed celebration days.  We also do cooking and indoor team games for children of all ages to enjoy.


Unstructured Activities

It is important for all children, at times to have freedom of choice in their play (Lego, Poly M, Popoids, Stickle Bricks, Morphun and art activities).  We have excellent ICT facilities, which include X-Boxes, Wii and personal computers.  These are linked to the school's internet and are subject to e-safety security.  There is also a small kitchen play area for role play.


Homework Club

Parents have welcomed this provision! Any child can complete their homework alongside one of our Play Workers - if support is needed.  Homework is completed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  TT Rockstars is completed after breakfast each morning and is also available each day in the afternoon.


Please contact The Ark if you would like any more information about the large range of different activites we do at The Ark each day throughout the year.

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