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Marston Green Junior School

Learning for the future

Mental Health Support at MGJS

Family Thrive for Parents and Carers A six-week course to introduce you to the fundamentals of Thrive and how it works in practice-Delivered by SOLAR

Attachment Awareness, Trauma Informed and Emotional Coaching (AATI)- Working Through Big Emotions- a workbook to support children

Emotional Coaching Emotion coaching is an approach to caring for children which values their feelings while guiding their behaviours based on the work of John Gottman

'Mindfulness' Parent Workshop led by Educational Psychology Team

'Supporting my child to manage their anxieties'- Parent Workshop led by Educational Psychology Team

Thrive- Dragonfly Impact Education 'A thriving generation ready for modern life'

Don't Panic- Audio Self-Help Guides

Birmingham and Solihull Bereavement Support

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